Home, School and Community Partnership
What we do for youHome School Community Liaison Officer Our Home School Community Liaison Coordinator, Mr. Will O’ Shea, encourages and develops the relationship between home, school and community agencies in promoting the educational interests of our students.
We organise educational opportunities for parents including courses, concerts, invited speakers and trips. The management and staff of Duiske College are governed by the principle of partnership and active co-operation between home, school, and community, in promoting the educational interests of students. We are always aware that even though we have a major educational and preparatory role, Parents/Guardians are the primary educators and our progress will be significantly hindered without their full support.
Parents/Guardians are welcome partners in the school enterprise. Duiske College promotes open and transparent communication with Parents/Guardians on all aspects of school life and acknowledges the very important role that they play in their children’s education. Research shows the importance the Parents/Guardians attitude towards the educational attainment of their children.
Written reports are sent out to parents/guardians at Christmas and Summer. These measures help to strengthen the home school partnership by keeping Parents/Guardians fully informed of their children’s progress.
At Duiske College, Parents/Guardians play an important role in relation to:
• Policy Formulation
• Monitoring Of The Student Journal
• The Board of Management
• Parent Teacher Meetings
• Parents Association
Parent Teacher Meetings are usually held in the second term between the Christmas Exams and the Mock Leaving and Junior Certificates. In addition, for parents, we organise lectures on matters that may affect the education and welfare of their children. Parents are always welcome to visit us to meet your son’s/daughter’s Subject Teacher, Class Tutor, Deputy Principal or Principal.
Parents Association
We have a very active and vibrant Parents Association at Duiske College

Students attending the ‘One Book, One Community initiative in Graiguenamanagh Library

Duiske College students visit the W5 Science and Exhibition centre in Belfast. They were joined by students from Scoil Mhuire gan Smál and The Boy’s National School, Graiguenamanagh.